Wolverhampton Special School 1901

Wolverhampton School Board Special School Old Hall Street.

Opened October 1901
Principal teacher Miss Lizzie Brookes 11 Merridale Lane.
Medical Superintendent Dr Ina McNeil Tettenhall Rd
For the reception of mentally defective children.
Accommodation for 40 children. Average attendance 35.


This is a  transcription of the school day book which is in Wolverhampton archives. 
October 28th, 1901.
This Special School was formally opened by Dr GE Shuttleworth in presence of a large number of friends & teachers.

Nov 4th
The children were admitted for the first time. 31 were certified by the doctor as suitable, 24 attended school at the opening.
Registers examined and found correct.
JF Robinson
Rev WT Milligan visited school today, also Miss Jones and Dr Morton.

Nov 5th
The chairman, Mr Corbett visited school this morning, with the Architect + the Clerk of the Board.

Nov 7th
Rev WT Milligan visited school today, also the doctor.

Nov 12th
HM Inspectors Mr Joad and his assistant visited school this morning, stayed till 12 o’clock.
Miss Jones came this afternoon.
Only 19 children were present in school this morning and 20 this afternoon, this was owing to the bad weather.

Nov 13th
Rev WT Milligan came into school this morning.

Nov 4th
A deputation from Salford School Board visited this morning.
Rev WT Milligan was here at the same time.

Nov 20th
Rev WT Milligan visited school during dinner time.

Nov 22nd
Dr Morton came to see the children this afternoon and remarked the he could see a decided improvement in most of the children.

Nov 25th
There are only 19 children present in school this morning.

Nov 26th
Registers examined and found correct.
JF Robinson

Nov 26th
The Chairman of the Board Mr Corbett visited the school this afternoon.

Nov 27th
Rev WT Milligan came at the close of afternoon school and asked for the average attendance.

Nov 28th
Course of Object Lessons + Nature Study Bill
Midsummer 1902
Gold-fish   Flowers
Canary  Salt
Horse chestnuts  Copper
Fruit  Gold
Evergreens  Silver
Roots  Water
Seeds + Germination Tea
Leaves + Trees  Coffee
Cocoa  Horse
Sugar  Cow
Railway Station  Sheep
Carpenter  Dog
Blacksmith  Cat
Elephant  Lion

Nov 29th
Dr Morton came into school this morning but did not stay long.

Dec 2nd
The Rev. Father Darnody brought a lady to see the school this morning.
The inspector and clerk of the Walsall school board visited at the end of the afternoon.

Dec 3rd
The Rev WT Milligan visited school this afternoon.

Dec 4th
Only 19 children were present this morning, 4 being away ill.

Dec 6
The attendance this week has been the lowest since school opened. The actual being 22 + average 19.6.
This afternoon an examination for the admission of new children was held here. Dr Morton was accompanied by Dr Somerset. Mr Joad HM. was also present together with Mr JS Dumbell and the clerk of the Board. Each child was brought by one of its parents and the attendance Officer of its district.
Mr Joad brought the time table back, which had been submitted to him for signature, he having sent it to the Board of Education for approval. With it was a letter from Dr Eichholg containing many valuable hints on the manual instruction.
Mr Joad advised the making up of another time table in two or three months.

Dec 12th
In consequence of the snow storm this morning there were only 17 children present at the opening of school. Most of them were so wet that they had to dry their books.

Dec 13th
The bad weather again today affected the attendance there being only 16 children in school today. This week’s average is only 18.6. The attendance of the girls is lower than that of the boys. Mrs Joad paid the school a visit this morning.
Dr Morton and Dr Somerset visited school this afternoon and finished the certificates of those presented for examination on Dec 6th.

As a result of the medical examination held on 6th December 6 new children were admitted to school this morning. This brings the total number on the books up to 36; 37 have been certified altogether but one has had to be sent home. Rev WT Milligan brought two ladies to see the school this morning.

Dec 18th
Rev WT Milligan visited school this morning.

Dec 20th
Mr Joad HMI came to school this morning and filled up a paper of particulars about the school. He also saw the children at work and remarked that he could see an improvement in the children since his former visit on Nov 12th.
Through the kindness of many friends the children attending this school were enabled to have a tea party and Christmas tree. The school closed today for a fortnights holiday.


Jan 6th.
School reopened this morning at 10am, after a fortnight’s holiday. There were 20 children present at the opening.

Jan 7th
Miss Jones visited school this after noon. The attendance was larger than it has been before, there being 28 Children in school this afternoon.

Jan 8th.
The Rev. W Milligan came into school this morning

Jan 9th
The Drill Instructor visited school this morning and saw march and drill. He drew up a scheme of elementary exercises suited to the children and advised a much, running and drill as possible.

Jan 10th
Registers examined and found correct (signed by)
J.F. Robinson correspondent
The chairman of the school Board Mr J. S. Corbett brought a friend to see the school this morning and asked to see the children catch balls.
The needlework materials for the quarter have arrived today.
Doctor Morton visited school this afternoon and saw the children march, run and play at ball. The average attendance this week is 25.8 which is the highest we have had.

Jan 13th.
The new stock arrived today. There are several animals for the museums; and there are cane for cane weaving and also materials for basket making and cardboard modelling

17th. Jan
The Doctor visited school this morning while children were drilling.
pm. The average attendance this week is 25.2

20th. Jan.
The attendance this morning is 25.
8 children have deposited bank money today.

22nd. Jan
Doctor Morton came to school this morning, having changed his time of visit from Friday afternoon.

24th. Jan
The average attendance this week is 25. Pictures of the King & Queen came today.

The attendance today is 25.
3/11 was deposited as bank money this morning

28th. Jan.
A girl came too late for her mark this morning.

Miss Penny wife of the Rector of Wolverhampton visited school this morning.
Miss Jones visited school this afternoon and watched the children run round the maypole and march.

29th Jan
Doctor Morton visited school this morning.
The clerk of the Board brought a gentleman from Birmingham to see the school this afternoon.

30th Jan
Rev WT Milligan visited school this morning.
A girl from Blakenhall who has not attended school since Nov 5th 1901 came this morning, arrangements having been made for a girl to bring her.

31st. Jan
The average attendance this week is only 24.7. The cold weather appears to affect the children attending here very much. This afternoon the Chairman of the Board Mr JS Corbett together with the clerk and architect of the Board brought a deputation from Walsall Board to visit the schools.

3rd. Feb
The attendance this morning is only 22, the weather being very bad.
One girl has come too late for her mark.

3rd. Feb.
am 2/7 Bank money has been deposited.
The children we so cold and miserable the we began secular work with marching and running.
A boy came this afternoon after registers were closed.

5th. Feb.
Dr Morton came to school this morning at 10.30 and examined fresh cases for admission. There were 12 children present for examination.
The Chairman of the Board Mr JS Corbett, with Rev GJ Darnody and Mr R Marston visited school this afternoon.

6th. Feb.
As a result of yesterday’s medical examination 6 fresh children were certified for the school. 5 attended this morning, bring the attendance today up to 31.

10th. Feb. 1902
The attendance this morning is 27.; there being several children away owing to the bad weather. One boy came too late for his mark.  4/7 Bank Money was deposited this morning.

11th. Feb
Today being shrove Tuesday the usual half holiday was given. One girl came too late for her mark.

12th. Feb.
Dr Morton came to school this morning

13th. Feb.
The Drill instructor visited school this morning and saw the children run, march and drill, he remarked on the improvement in them.

14th. Feb.
The average attendance this week is 28.3, and the actual 31. A decrease on the week previous is owing to the weather.

17th. Feb.
The attendance this morning is 30. The girl has come too late for her mark.
3/9 Bank money has been deposited today.
Miss E Jones brought her mother to visit school this morning when the children were having dinner.
pm Mrs Jones has sent us Ping Pong for a dinner time game for the children.

Feb 18th.
On account of the darkness we have had to have the school lighted up all afternoon.
This morning a girl came too late for her mark.

Feb 19th.
Dr Morton came to school this morning and examined a child brought up from Monmore Green school but found it was not a suitable case for admission for this school.

HM Inspector Mr Joad brought the chief Inspector Mr G Maurice to school this morning. The Chairman  Mr JS Corbet, The Rev JJ Darmody and Miss Jones also came during their visit.The average attendance this week is 29.9 and the actual 32.

Feb 24th.
Owing to the bad weather the attendance is only 27.
3/6 Bank money has been deposited.

Feb 25th
The Chairman of the Board Mr JS Corbett brought Mrs Dobbs to see the school this morning.

Feb 26th.
Dr Morton came this morning and examined five fresh children for admission. None of them however were suitable for this school being physically not mentally defective.
During dinner time today the Chairman of the Board Mr JS Corbett came to school with Mr Dumbell, Mr Smith and Mr R Marston and the clerk and Architect. The children marched and sang for them. A fireguard was fitted today in the hall.

Feb 27th.
The Rev WT Milligan visited school this dinner time.

Feb 28th.
The average attendance this week is 28.1. The actual being 29
A committee meeting was held this afternoon, the Chair Mr Corbett, Mr Reade,
Mr Marston, Mr Hayward and Mr Smith being present with the Clerk and Architect.

3rd. March.
There were 31 children present this morning.
4/1 Bank Money was deposited. The apparatus for teaching “strip work” has arrived.

5th. March.
The Rev JJ Darmody visited the school this morning. Dr Morton paid his usual visit.

7th. March.
The average attendance this week is 31.8 and the actual 33. The average is the highest we have had yet.

10th. March.
There were 30 children present this morning.
4/1 Bank money was deposited.

12th. March.
Dr Morton examined a child this morning and certified him as suitable.

14th. March.
The average attendance this week is 31.5. The actual 34.

17th. March. 1902
The attendance this morning is 31. One girl lost her mark.
7/2 Bank money deposited today.

18th. March.
Miss Jones visited school this afternoon.

19th. March. Dr Morton paid his usual visit to the school this morning.

20th. March.
One girl came too late for her mark. The Rev JJ Darmody and Rev WT Milligan visited school this morning. The Hall and one of the class rooms were photographed today.

21st. March.
The average attendance this week is 29.7

24th. March.
The attendance this morning was 29.
15/1 Bank Money was deposited.

25th. March.
One girl has lost her mark by coming too late.

26th. March.
Dr Morton paid his usual visit to school this morning.

27th. March. 1902
The Easter Holidays began this morning at 12 o’clock.

7th. April.
School opened this morning after the holidays, there were 30 children present.
13/10 Bank money was deposited today. The Rev JJ Darmody visited school this morning.

10th. April.
The Drill instructor Mr Wright came to see the drill this morning at 11.30; consequently, lessons had to be reversed.

11th. April.
The average attendance this week is 29.6 and the actual 32.

14th. April.
The were only 26 children present when the school opened this morning. One girl came too late for her mark.
2/2 Bank money was deposited.

15th. April.
The Dill Instructor visited school this afternoon. He has arranged to come every Tuesday from 2-2.25. This will necessitate making an alteration in the time table.
Tuesday’s Time Table from 11.5 am will be:

11.5 – 11.25 Writing.

11.25 -11.40 Arithmetic.

11.40 – 12.10(Girls) Needlework.

(Boys) Embroidery.

1.40 – 2 (Girls)Domestic work.


2  – 2.25 Drill

2.25 – 2.35 Recitation.

2.35 – 2.45 Recreation

2.45 – 3 Maypole.

3 – 3.25 Cl 1 Rug making

Cl 2 Bead Threading

16th. April.
Dr Morton paid his usual visit today.

17th. April.
Dr Cholmeley and HMI Mr King visited school with one of the local inspectors Mr Murray. Cholmeley went into each case individually to see if the children were suitable for the school, asking always if there was a chance of each child earning his own living at 16. He decided two children were to leave as being fairly well up in their work. One boy is to go to an elementary school, and one to a Deaf and Dumb school.
The Rev JJ Darmody and  Mr Morton came to school during this visit.

18th. April.
The average attendance this week is 27.

21st. April.
29 children present this morning. 4/2 `bank Money was deposited
The Rev CJ Burrough visited school this afternoon.

22nd. April.
Dr Morton visited school today foe the purpose  of examining three children from the Cottage Homes: two were certified as suitable and one is to come up for examination again in 3 months.

23rd. April.
Two children came too late for their mark this morning.

25th. April.
The attendance this week is poor, average 27 actual 29.

29th. April.
29 children present this morning. One girl came too late for her mark. 3/7 Bank Money was deposited.
Miss Jones brought Dr Maclean, a lady doctor in town to see the school.

April 29th
Registers examined. 30 children marked present. 30 children in school.
J.F. Robinson correspondent.

April 29th.
New stock has arrived.
Two girls lost their mark.

April 30th.
The same two girls again lost their mark.

May 1st.
A whole days’ holiday to celebrate the occasion of the visit of the Duke and Duchess of Connaught to open the ‘Exhibition”.

May 2nd.
Four girls have come too late for their mark.
The average this week is 28.6 the actual 32.

May 5th.
There were 30 children present this morning.

May 7th.
Permission has been granted by the School Board for us to hold a May Festival this afternoon. Two girls spent most of the morning doing domestic work, also two boys.
Mr Corbett brought Mr Alderman, J Jones J. P. to see the school this morning.
There was a large number of visitors amongst them Mr Corbett, Rev. J.W.Milligan, Miss Jones, Mr Dumbell, Rev. T Whitehouse, Dr & Mrs Morton, Dr Somerset, Rev. C. P. Way, Rev. C. S. Wetenhall.

The May Festival was repeated this afternoon for the benifit of the parents of the children.

The average this week is 28.9.

May 12th
School opened this morning with 29 children. The rev. J. J. Darmody visitd school at about 9.30 this morning. 5/- Bank Money was deposited. One girl lost her mark.

May 13th.
The Drill instructor paid his weekly visit today. The same girl lost her mark today as yesterday.

Dr Morton examined two cases for admission this morning and certified one child as suitable the other as only physically defective. For the third time this week F Eddowes lost her mark.

May 16th.
Mr Dumbell visited school this afternoon
The attendance this week is 27.8. The school closes this afternoon for the usual Whitsun holiday.

May 26th
School re-opened this morning after a week’s holiday; 28 children were present; 4/2 Bank Money was deposited. Two girls lost their mark this morning.

May 29th
Registers examined and found correct J. F. Robinson Correspondent.
One girl came too late for her mark. The Rev J. J. Darmody visited school this morning.
The Rev. Milliigan visited school this afternoon. The average this week is 26.9.

June 2nd.
A day’s holiday being granted by the school Board today on account of the “Declaration of Peace” in South Africa; the children were assembled and after having the usual hymn and prayers “God save the King “was sung and they were dismissed for the day.

June 4th.
The Rv Milligan visited school this morning. Dr Morton paid his usual visit today.

June 6th
The average this week is 28.5.

June 9th
School opened with 31 children this morning. 2.8 Bank Money was deposited. June 11th Dr Morton paid his usual visit this morning; he began the six monthly examination of the children in the school. One fresh case was presented for examination.

June 30th.
The school opened with an attendance of 30. One girl attended who has not been since February 21st. 3/5 Bank Money was deposited.

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